Kate MacKay

I began my yoga journey in very early childhood with Lyn Marshall’s Wake Up with Yoga TV programme of the 1970s. I remember with great fondness feeling deeply relaxed for the first time and the internal quietness her programme introduced to me – very much a departure from my young buzzy self.

The need to make space for more of these kind of experiences subsequently began, and I have since practiced yoga, Shiatsu, Taoist energy arts and nature connection meditations. All of these have brought a different perspective to life; being in a deeper layer of self, settled and joyful. Once found never forgotten!

I began my teacher training with the Vajrasati school during family illness and personal adaptation.

The training has allowed me to take time and space to delve deeper into what yoga is and to practice the art of honest and simple self-enquiry which assists me to listen and respond, on and off the mat with adaptability and strength. Delving deeper into yoga practice and philosophy felt like a gift to myself in those tough times. As circumstances change with the passing of time, the practice is like a trusted friend and guide. What’s not to love?

Now in October 2023, I’m into the second year of the 500 hours of training and will begin running

classes in a safe, inclusive and I hope, enjoyable way.